Wichita Lineman: Carl Acuff, Jr.’s Tribute to Glen Campbell
Live on the
Harrison Square’s hot new Entertainment District
and inside the always-cool Lyric Theater
Friday, July 14, 2023
Join us on July 14 at 7:00pm, at the Lyric for Carl Acuff, Jr., singing the songs of beloved country music legend Glen Campbell!
Since 1992, the Carl Acuff Jr. Variety Showband has become an American institution…We have New and Old Country, Gospel, Comedy, Nostalgic Rock N Roll, Motown, Doo-wop, Disco, Audience Participation, Impersonations and of course a salute to all of our men and women in uniform from past, present and future that is sure to have you on your feet! The group covers everyone from Hank Williams to Bruno Mars.
Is Carl Related to Roy? Well, guess you’ll have to ask him when we bring him to our town!
As in…
“HeyMama…JaWannaMakesomeMUSICwithMe for some great causes‽
Live on the
Harrison Square’s hot new Entertainment District
and inside the always-cool Lyric Theater
Saturday, June 10, 2023
Join us on June 10, from 3:00–11:00, both in the Lyric (7–11) and on the Harrison Square (3–6) for the first ever Mama JaWanna Music Festival—showcasing talented female performers from our area who have banded together to raise funds for Hope Cottages and The Sanctuary, Inc. of Boone County!
7 Hours of multi-genre music on 2 stages, featuring women singer/songwriters of the area, supported by local musicians.
Singers include: Susan Swanson, Sierra Schwanz, Brooke Albright of Angels and Outlaws, Rachel Hewitt-Groves, Snowflake Henson, Susan Boone-Rowan, Denise Dore, Maggie Lee, and Shelly Watson.
Ticket prices: $20 – preferred seating; $30 – 2 drink tickets; $50 – 2 drink tickets and an invitation to the Aftershow Party at Buffalo Chateau
Comedian (and Hall of Fame Sportswriter) Sam Adams Invites you to
Laugh at the Lyric!
Friday, December 17 at 7:00PM
Join us on December 17 at 7:00pm, for a bit of refreshment from the busy-ness of the season! Sam Adams is a very funny guy—but much more, than that, as well, An acclaimed sports journalist, Sam is able to be both funny and serious in a way that draws you in, making him in great demand as a motivational speaker. Unlike some entertainers who are inclined to ‘coast’, Sam is both fearless (though sometimes a bit “concerned”) and a student of places to which he travels to entertain—even becoming a dedicated fan of Harrison Golden Goblin Football before his first trip to the Lyric! Sam has continued honing his craft since then and came to help us out last November, as we started the Lyric’s recovery from the pandemic. Now he wants to bring even more of “the funny” and to see our lobby’s new look!
That’s just the kind of guy Sam is: his humor comes from caring and his performances are hilarious precisely because of his deftly touching on things that everyone can relate to, in a way that doesn’t just entertain, but helps you see ‘the funny’ in things, so that the show goes on long after he has left the stage and you have left the theater. That’s why his comedy has resonated so well at the Lyric, where we are not typically bombarded with entertainers to distract us from life, but enjoy concerts, plays, and the like that involve a lifestyle and help us get more out of life. That is to say, the comedy of Sam Adams ‘fits’ an organization that has as its goal the enriching of lives through making the Arts available to all—his comedy shows him to be what his listing with the Denver Speakers’ Bureau says: a true Renaissance Man.
About Sam Adams
On the pages and the stages, Sam Adams always tells a story. They are shared often when he performs an energetic, hilarious brand of comedy that is 100-percent profanity-free.
Sam is the only dual prize winner in the history of the Great American Comedy Festival. It happened in 2009, just four months after his newspaper employer of 13 years abruptly went out of business. Sam won the festival’s amateur competition, and when asked to compete with the professionals, he placed second — giving him an impetus to pursue a professional career in stand-up comedy at age 49.
During the summer of 2018, the “True Color” video clip from Sam’s Dry Bar Comedy special (titled ‘Incoherently True’) went viral, with more than 10 million Facebook views in less than 72 hours. Since then, the “True Color” video clip has amassed more than 32 million Facebook views, and the overall social media views from all of Sam’s Dry Bar Comedy clips for one year have surpassed 41 million.
Sam has received a befitting label of ‘Renaissance Man.’ Prior to his established career in entertainment, Sam spent three decades as an award-winning newspaper sports journalist. In October 2019 he was honored by the prestigious Denver Press Club with induction to its Hall of Fame. Sam is the first African-American sports journalist to be inducted, and only the fifth African-American journalist inducted in the club’s 153-year history.
Sam’s book is a great read that moves from ‘sports’ to ‘more’.
In 2003 Sam’s media peers elected him Colorado’s Print Journalist of the Year. His experiences as a sports journalist for major daily newspapers in the U.S. began with the Denver Post in 1986, included a stint with the Charlotte Observer (1995-96) and finished with 13 years at the Rocky Mountain News. His coverage for many of the world’s most popular sporting events (from Super Bowls to Olympiads) helped Sam gain perspective for his book titled, If You Don’t Believe Me: Lessons Learned from Listening To The Greats (released in April 2013.) In the book, Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback John Elway offers the following tribute to Sam…“Through the ups and downs of an NFL career, I developed great trust, respect, and appreciation for him. Blending an uncanny ability to mix humor with keen insight and knowledge, Sam is a one-of-a-kind storyteller.”
Sam’s motivational keynote presentation is titled ‘Going Up: Taking Steps To Elevate Your Levels Of Success.’ The keynote offers riveting stories and intriguing references from his personal and professional odysseys. The audience will gain insightful and humorous tips for success gleaned from Sam’s numerous encounters with an A-List of stars — from professional sports Hall of Famers to world-renown, award-winning entertainers.
Count on Sam Adams to live up to the professional quality of entertainment he promises to give audiences of all ages.
There were two stars on the night…….Host Sam Adams….not the beer guy…..who was hysterical in a PG way that reminded us of Bill Cosby. They should have let him do the whole two hours. The other big winner was the funnel cake fries which were sweet and delicious and served in a big basket. Sam Adams, in my opinion, is a spectacular talent waiting to be discovered on a national stage. If you see him on the list of performers, you should go. — Review of Comedy Works of Denver
Sam has appeared with the likes of Daniel Tosh, Mike Epps, Jake Johannsen, Wendy Liebman, Greg Warren, and Frank Caliendo, as well as opening for musicians and bands like The Guess Who, Three Dog Night, Al Jarreau, Air Supply, Al Stewart, and Starship. A world-class entertainer—and a classy guy in general—the Ozark Arts Council is thrilled to bring Sam Adams back to the Lyric stage!
Comedian Sam Adams #LiveAtTheLyric Saturday, December 17, 2021 at 7:00. Tickets are available on our ticketing page, by visiting the OAC office at 115 W. Rush Ave. (just to the left of the Lyric doors) or by calling (870) 391-3504; $15–$18 in advance, $20–$25 at the door.
Ozarks DynaCom FiveStar Talent Contest Semi-Finals II, November 6 at 7pm #LiveAtTheLyric!
We Believe…
Our region of the Ozarks is overflowing with talent.
Amazing vocalists, dancers, comics and musicians appear regularly on stages, at events, in theaters, restaurants, bars and festivals throughout the Ozarks.
And we know, there’s incredible talent that isn’t very well-known too. There are up-and-comers and less experienced performers who are dedicated and working hard on their skills. They might be young, or they might have had to put their talent on the back-burner, or just decided that their special gifts and talents were going to be a hobby, instead of a career.
Ozarks DynaCom wants to give striving performers, the unknown and the inexperienced their moment in the spotlight. The Ozarks DynaCom FiveStar Talent Contest is the perfect opportunity to dust off the cobwebs, fine tune performance skills, or test new material on a real audience.
Together with our listeners, online fans, and social media friends, we might even discover the next entertainment sensation of the Ozarks, or beyond!
Show details and winner prizes will be announced as those items are confirmed.
Contest Timeline
• Online Entries: August 16 – September 12, 2021 • Online Voting: September 17 – October 10, 2021 • Live Semi-Final Shows: November 5 and November 6, 2021 • Live Final Championship Show: November 20, 2021, 2pm at Presley’s Country Jubilee in Branson!
And…if you can’t be with us at the Lyric for the FREE Live Entertainment, tune in on your radio, because it’s also an Old-Fashioned Radiothon presented by The Original KHOZ!
It’s been a rough year, we know. We know it so well from how our own families and friends have had to struggle. From the moment Albert Cummings canceled his tour and we had to begin canceling or postponing theatre productions, we committed to getting through 2020 without adding to your own family’s or business’s struggles. The Arts are meant to enrich us, not to impoverish us. Through creative cost reductions, a couple of key grants, and so strictly complying with the Arkansas Department of Health guidelines as to maximize the earnings from the limited number of shows we could do, we are pleased to say that if the mandates ended tomorrow, we could open our doors by the weekend.
Our ceiling isn’t sealing anymore
…but then disaster struck…and we’ve had to take a deep look at things before completing our letter.
The disaster was a literal one: a burst pipe above the ladies’ restroom while we were shut down was only discovered when our friends at the Harrison Daily Times saw water flowing out of the box office wall onto the sidewalk. Our immediate assessment—“the ceiling’s going to have to be repaired and we have a mess to clean up”—became more dire as our insurance called on MitiServe to keep us from having a future mold issue, etc. Not only the ceiling, but the floor and the walls had to be removed…not only throughout that restroom, but some in the men’s room, too. We guess it’s a good thing that the concert we had scheduled for late April had already canceled due to ongoing Covid concerns, as we’re still working on repairs.
Let all the fans of Kevin Cronin say: “I believe it’s time for me to dry-y-y-y-y…It’s time for me to dry.”
While our original draft continued with, “we still will have several months to get through before any semblance of normalcy returns,” though, we are happy to say that those months are getting quickly behind us and the Lyric should soon be ‘physically’ ready to reopen. There is another concern, though, that is slowing that reopening down: as one might expect, insurance doesn’t cover everything we need to do, and our disaster has uncovered some other work that would really best be done now, rather than in the future when what is now exposed would have to be uncovered again at additional cost.
Thus, the fact is, while we were able to make it through the past year without asking you to renew your OAC membership with a donation, a continuing lack of events and now this repair work has really put us in a bind. After having worked down the mortgage and wiped out our other operational debt over the past five years, we really need your help to reopen and to keep moving ahead.
We have a phenomenal season planned for 2021-2022, from bringing the joy that was The Carol Burnett Show back to life on the Lyric stage to a series of comedies and musicals—as well as a couple favorite dramas, one in a world premiere new adaptation!—to the long-anticipated return of Albert Cummings and a growing list of other concerts and events (including the return of movie nights!). All we need is your help to bring about the completion of these repairs and additions and to get the ball rolling with restocking, paying for licensing, and so on.
Let’s simplify that last paragraph a little: all we need is you.
“Quo vadis?” Forward, ever forward!
Just like the Lyric was saved from the wrecking ball in the 90s and built back into a functioning venue in the next decade by the involvement of our community, we believe that with your help we can not only overcome the pandemic shutdown and the damage of this winter, but move forward in bringing the Arts to greater prominence in our area for the enrichment of the lives of all. Please join the OAC as a member for the 21–22 Season as soon as you can, so we can continue to move forward in serving you.
Thank you for your continued devotion to enriching our community through the Arts!
Comedian (and Hall of Fame Sportswriter) Sam Adams Invites you to
Laugh at the Lyric!
Thursday, November 19 at 7:00PM
Join us on November 19 at 7:00pm, for a great time with Sam Adams! Sam is an acclaimed sports journalist, who is able to be both funny and serious in a way that draws you in, making him in great demand as a motivational speaker, as well. Unlike some entertainers who are inclined to ‘coast’, Sam is both fearless and a student of places to which he travels to entertain—even becoming a dedicated fan of Harrison Golden Goblin Football before his first trip to the Lyric! Now, he has heard of how this year’s pandemic has harmed our theater and is coming to provide us all with some time to laugh and to raise some funding to keep the Lyric alive.
That’s the kind of guy Sam is: his humor comes from caring and his performances are hilarious precisely because of his deftly touching on things that everyone can relate to, in a way that doesn’t just entertain, but helps you see ‘the funny’ in things, so that the show goes on long after he has left the stage and you have left the theater. That’s why his comedy has resonated so well at the Lyric, where we are not typically bombarded with entertainers to distract us from life, but enjoy concerts, plays, and the like that involve a lifestyle and help us get more out of life. That is to say, the comedy of Sam Adams ‘fits’ an organization that has as its goal the enriching of lives through making the Arts available to all—his comedy shows him to be what his listing with the Denver Speakers’ Bureau says: a true Renaissance Man.
Brought to You By…
About Sam Adams
On the pages and the stages, Sam Adams always tells a story. They are shared often when he performs an energetic, hilarious brand of comedy that is 100-percent profanity-free.
Sam is the only dual prize winner in the history of the Great American Comedy Festival. It happened in 2009, just four months after his newspaper employer of 13 years abruptly went out of business. Sam won the festival’s amateur competition, and when asked to compete with the professionals, he placed second — giving him an impetus to pursue a professional career in stand-up comedy at age 49.
During the summer of 2018, the “True Color” video clip from Sam’s Dry Bar Comedy special (titled ‘Incoherently True’) went viral, with more than 10 million Facebook views in less than 72 hours. Since then, the “True Color” video clip has amassed more than 32 million Facebook views, and the overall social media views from all of Sam’s Dry Bar Comedy clips for one year have surpassed 41 million.
Sam has received a befitting label of ‘Renaissance Man.’ Prior to his established career in entertainment, Sam spent three decades as an award-winning newspaper sports journalist. In October 2019 he was honored by the prestigious Denver Press Club with induction to its Hall of Fame. Sam is the first African-American sports journalist to be inducted, and only the fifth African-American journalist inducted in the club’s 153-year history.
Sam’s book is a great read that moves from ‘sports’ to ‘more’.
In 2003 Sam’s media peers elected him Colorado’s Print Journalist of the Year. His experiences as a sports journalist for major daily newspapers in the U.S. began with the Denver Post in 1986, included a stint with the Charlotte Observer (1995-96) and finished with 13 years at the Rocky Mountain News. His coverage for many of the world’s most popular sporting events (from Super Bowls to Olympiads) helped Sam gain perspective for his book titled, If You Don’t Believe Me: Lessons Learned from Listening To The Greats (released in April 2013.) In the book, Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback John Elway offers the following tribute to Sam…“Through the ups and downs of an NFL career, I developed great trust, respect, and appreciation for him. Blending an uncanny ability to mix humor with keen insight and knowledge, Sam is a one-of-a-kind storyteller.”
Sam’s motivational keynote presentation is titled ‘Going Up: Taking Steps To Elevate Your Levels Of Success.’ The keynote offers riveting stories and intriguing references from his personal and professional odysseys. The audience will gain insightful and humorous tips for success gleaned from Sam’s numerous encounters with an A-List of stars — from professional sports Hall of Famers to world-renown, award-winning entertainers.
Count on Sam Adams to live up to the professional quality of entertainment he promises to give audiences of all ages.
There were two stars on the night…….Host Sam Adams….not the beer guy…..who was hysterical in a PG way that reminded us of Bill Cosby. They should have let him do the whole two hours. The other big winner was the funnel cake fries which were sweet and delicious and served in a big basket. Sam Adams, in my opinion, is a spectacular talent waiting to be discovered on a national stage. If you see him on the list of performers, you should go. — Review of Comedy Works of Denver
Sam has appeared with the likes of Daniel Tosh, Mike Epps, Jake Johannsen, Wendy Liebman, Greg Warren, and Frank Caliendo, as well as opening for musicians and bands like The Guess Who, Three Dog Night, Al Jarreau, Air Supply, Al Stewart, and Starship. A world-class entertainer—and a classy guy in general—the Ozark Arts Council is thankful for the sponsorship of Arvest Bank (and the Arvest Foundation) that allows us to bring Sam Adams back to the Lyric stage to fight the financial and emotional damage caused by nearly a year of Covid-19 and the attempts to prevent its spread!
Comedian Sam Adams #LiveAtTheLyric Saturday, November 19, 2020 at 7:00. Tickets are available on our ticketing page, by visiting the OAC office at 115 W. Rush Ave. (just to the left of the Lyric doors) or by calling (870) 391-3504; $15 in advance, $18 at the door.
Sam amazed a lot of people with his first trip to Harrison…friends and media members for one reason, but the Lyric audience for a completely different one! Outsiders ‘warned him’ about Harrison, but they didn’t know to warn him about the Lyric…and from the moment he stepped on stage it was obvious to everyone that he had found a new ‘second home’! When Sam got back to his previously-adopted hometown of Denver, he thought about how best to share his experience in Harrison and, as one might expect, he did so at Comedy Works in Denver. People found his new “not scared…but concerned” routine as hilarious as the Lyric crowd did. There was something more, though: as with his “True Color” routine that brought him to our attention (and, now, about 30 million other people’s!), in the middle of their laughter, people were touched.
One of those who were touched by the new addition to Sam’s repertoire was Ann Macari Healey, who owns (with her husband) about 20 community newspapers throughout the Denver metro area and who set about researching to write a story about Sam…and us in Harrison! Another was Jeff Kingery, a former play-by-play man for the Denver Nuggets and Rockies who had been making films since high school and had now also accumulated years of experience as a sports and news documentary filmmaker. The morning after seeing Sam’s show in January, he got in touch with Sam and said, “I was absolutely captivated last night and I’ve got to tell your story.” (We had hoped that the film would be in production by Sam’s return to Harrison, but fundraising for the high-quality and culturally-important documentary that is envisioned will take some time.)
Don’t know Sam? Smooth. Clever. Hilarious. These words are used often to describe Sam Adams on stage. His energetic, comically-insightful act is 100 percent profanity-free and filled with observations about every-day encounters. Sam is a headline performer, and also has shared stages with national-touring comedians and music recording artists.
In 2009 Sam entered the Great American Comedy Festival held annually in Johnny Carson’s childhood hometown of Norfolk, Nebraska. Sam left the festival as its most unique winner still to this date. Entered in the festival initially as an amateur, Sam won that competition. Later he was asked to compete with the professionals after one of the entrants fell ill. In a field of experienced comedians with national comedy club tours and late-night TV show appearances on their resumes, Sam took second place. It was an impetus for him to pursue a professional career in stand-up comedy.
Sam’s book is a great read that moves from ‘sports’ to ‘more’.
Sam has been described by many in the entertainment field as a Renaissance Man. In addition to performing comedy on stage, Sam also is booked as a Keynote Speaker for his motivational “Laughter Is Good Business” presentation, where he brings comedy and business to an intersection by showing ‘How To Spell Success With The Letter P.’ Sam also has served as Master of Ceremonies for numerous high-profile events and has appeared in several TV commercial ads seen nationally.
Sam’s an author, too, with a book titled If You Don’t Believe Me: Lessons Learned from Listening To The Greats. In the book, Pro Football Hall of Famer John Elway offered the following tribute: “Through the ups and downs of an NFL career, I developed great trust, respect and appreciation for him. Blending an uncanny ability to mix humor with keen insight and knowledge, Sam is a one-of-a-kind storyteller.”
Off the record, Sam has nearly 25 years of experience as a newspaper sports journalist. His work, as a staff writer and columnist, has appeared in The Denver Post, Rocky Mountain News and The Charlotte Observer. In 2003 Sam received the Print Journalist of the Year award from his peers in Colorado. He also is credited with television appearances on ESPN, Fox Sports, CBS and NFL Network, and has covered championship events at all levels — most notably four Super Bowls, two Olympiads, two NCAA men’s basketball Final Fours, one Stanley Cup Finals and one World Series. In 2014 Denver’s NBC affiliate KUSA-9NEWS added Sam as a regular contributor to its sports programming, with weekly appearances on the station’s Sports A to Z and Broncos Game Day Live shows.
There were two stars on the night…….Host Sam Adams….not the beer guy…..who was hysterical in a PG way that reminded us of Bill Cosby. They should have let him do the whole two hours. The other big winner was the funnel cake fries which were sweet and delicious and served in a big basket. Sam Adams, in my opinion, is a spectacular talent waiting to be discovered on a national stage. If you see him on the list of performers, you should go. — Review of Comedy Works of Denver
Sam has appeared with the likes of Daniel Tosh, Mike Epps, Jake Johannsen, Wendy Liebman, Greg Warren, and Frank Caliendo, as well as opening for musicians and bands like The Guess Who, Three Dog Night, Al Jarreau, Air Supply, Al Stewart, and Starship. A world class entertainer—and a classy guy in general—the Ozark Arts Council is thankful for the sponsorship of Jeff Crocket Properties that allowed us to bring Sam Adams to the Lyric stage for the affordable price of just $15 per ticket, which has given us the courage to bring him back at the same price, because we believe that the theater will be completely full this time around!
Comedian Sam Adams #LiveAtTheLyric Saturday, September 7, 2019 at 7:00. Tickets are available on our ticketing page, by visiting the OAC office at 115 W. Rush Ave. (just to the left of the Lyric doors) or by calling (870) 391-3504; $15 in advance, $18 at the door.
Way Smoother than the Beer…It’s Time for Comedy with Sam Adams!
Friday, December 7 at 7:00PM
Join us on December 7 at 7:00pm, for sports writer, TV personality, author, motivational speaker, Pop-a-Shot record-setter, and…oh, yeah, massively funny standup comic!…Sam Adams!
Smooth. Clever. Hilarious. These words are used often to describe Sam Adams on stage. His energetic, comically-insightful act is 100 percent profanity-free and filled with observations about every-day encounters. Sam is a headline performer, and also has shared stages with national-touring comedians and music recording artists.
In 2009 Sam entered the Great American Comedy Festival held annually in Johnny Carson’s childhood hometown of Norfolk, Nebraska. Sam left the festival as its most unique winner still to this date. Entered in the festival initially as an amateur, Sam won that competition. Later he was asked to compete with the professionals after one of the entrants fell ill. In a field of experienced comedians with national comedy club tours and late-night TV show appearances on their resumes, Sam took second place. It was an impetus for him to pursue a professional career in stand-up comedy.
Sam’s book is a great read that moves from ‘sports’ to ‘more’.
Sam has been described by many in the entertainment field as a Renaissance Man. In addition to performing comedy on stage, Sam also is booked as a Keynote Speaker for his motivational “Laughter Is Good Business” presentation, where he brings comedy and business to an intersection by showing ‘How To Spell Success With The Letter P.’ Sam also has served as Master of Ceremonies for numerous high-profile events and has appeared in several TV commercial ads seen nationally.
Sam’s an author, too, with a book titled If You Don’t Believe Me: Lessons Learned from Listening To The Greats. In the book, Pro Football Hall of Famer John Elway offered the following tribute: “Through the ups and downs of an NFL career, I developed great trust, respect and appreciation for him. Blending an uncanny ability to mix humor with keen insight and knowledge, Sam is a one-of-a-kind storyteller.”
Off the record, Sam has nearly 25 years of experience as a newspaper sports journalist. His work, as a staff writer and columnist, has appeared in The Denver Post, Rocky Mountain News and The Charlotte Observer. In 2003 Sam received the Print Journalist of the Year award from his peers in Colorado. He also is credited with television appearances on ESPN, Fox Sports, CBS and NFL Network, and has covered championship events at all levels — most notably four Super Bowls, two Olympiads, two NCAA men’s basketball Final Fours, one Stanley Cup Finals and one World Series. In 2014 Denver’s NBC affiliate KUSA-9NEWS added Sam as a regular contributor to its sports programming, with weekly appearances on the station’s Sports A to Z and Broncos Game Day Live shows.
There were two stars on the night…….Host Sam Adams….not the beer guy…..who was hysterical in a PG way that reminded us of Bill Cosby. They should have let him do the whole two hours. The other big winner was the funnel cake fries which were sweet and delicious and served in a big basket. Sam Adams, in my opinion, is a spectacular talent waiting to be discovered on a national stage. If you see him on the list of performers, you should go. — Review of Comedy Works of Denver
Sam has appeared with the likes of Daniel Tosh, Mike Epps, Jake Johannsen, Wendy Liebman, Greg Warren, and Frank Caliendo, as well as opening for musicians and bands like The Guess Who, Three Dog Night, Al Jarreau, Air Supply, Al Stewart, and Starship. A world class entertainer—and a classy guy in general—the Ozark Arts Council is thankful for the sponsorship of Jeff Crocket Properties that allows us to bring Sam Adams to the Lyric stage for the affordable price of just $15 per ticket.
Comedian Sam Adams #LiveAtTheLyric Friday, December 7, 2018 at 7:00. Tickets available on our ticketing page or by calling (870) 391-3504; $15 in advance, $18 at the door.
Marvelous Misfits Vaudeville Variety Show December 3 Show CANCELLED
RESCHEDULING for January, 2017 (Will still be an 8:00PM showtime) Tickets will be on sale presently!
The Marvelous Misfits Vaudeville Variety Show,
headquartered in Little Rock, but with performers from all over the country, features juggling, hooping, magic, mentalism, comedy, theater, singing, sideshow
and dancing acts. The show is different each time, with a rotating cast of performers. Paul Prater (who marvelously mystified many when he performed solo at The Lyric a few years ago) is your emcee for this night of fun, excitement and incredible entertainment. You may see a little sideshow, some mind-reading, or maybe some magic; you never know what Paul will provide!
Paul’s co producer is Arty Dodger—the Dapper Dabbler in Danger, the Virtuoso of Vaudeville, the Beethoven of Balance, the Juggernaut of Jugglers, and Devourer Incendium. A small town boy with Southern charm, Arty Dodger has spent years honing his craft of the art of juggling and balance. With the influence of early vaudeville and variety performers, Arty boasts a wide repertoire, including stilt walking, fire eating and hat, cane, and cigar manipulation as well as high energy juggling with fire, knives, and any other inanimate object that beseech him. (Better look lively in your seat or he may try to juggle you!)
Paul and Arty have assembled a group of performers that never fail to amaze and entertain, and they will be #LiveAtTheLyricat 8:00pm on Saturday, December 3!