Summer Workshop on the Horizon!

The Summer Kidz Workshop is now taking applicants!


The Theatre Co. of the Ozarks is pleased to announce their upcoming summer workshop! They are now accepting applications for students ages 6 to 17. Applications are due by Monday May 20, 2024.

The dates are Monday-Thursday July 8-11, July 15-18, and July 22-25 from 1pm-5pm, with a performance on Sunday July 28 at 2pm at the Lyric Theater. We will provide snacks and water, but it is always a good idea to have your child bring their own water bottle and snacks if they prefer something in particular or have allergies.
The cost of the workshop is $25 per child. There are several scholarships available based on need.

This workshop will be a combination of mini workshops for improv, acting, set building, lighting design, and much more! They will be hosted by qualified and experienced adults and Theatre students in high school and college.

The younger students will participate in The Aristocats KIDS and the older students will concentrate on writing their own monologues and performing them OR on tech and backstage work! If kids choose to be tech students, they will still participate in all workshops, and instead of performing, they will learn how to build a portfolio and present iit. OAC Executive Director Julianna Hamblin and Theatre Co. of the Ozarks Vice President AJ Womack will be leading the students in these performances. 
Please make plans to attend the mandatory parent/guardian meeting on Monday June 3 at 5:30pm to get all the info. Please bring your registered child(ren) so we can meet them! But don’t forget to sign up first!

Sign up here!

Musical at HHS PAC: The Addams Family, A New Musical #LiveAtThePAC April 12-13 at 7:00pm, April 19-20 at 7:00pm; April 14, 21 at 2:00pm

Harrison High School Theatre Dept. Presents:
The Addams Family, A New Musical
Friday, Saturday April 12-13, April 19-20, at 7:00PM
Sunday April 14, 21 at 2:00PM

The Addams Family, A New Musical will be performed at the Harrison High School Performing Arts Center April 12 & 13, 19 & 20 at 7:00 pm and April 14 and 21 at 2:00 pm. Tickets are on sale at

Hundreds of years ago, a family’s ancestors came from the old country and settled on a plot of land in what has now become New York’s Central Park. The family flourished for many generations, enjoying their seclusion in a huge house built where a great Spanish oak protected the ancestral graves from such annoyances as tourists and…sunlight.

As the play begins, the last dead leaf of autumn falls from the Family Tree, and all is right in the morbid, macabre world of the Addams Family—Gomez (Bannon Jones), Morticia (Rilee Young), Fester (Isaiah Wallis), Grandma (Reagan Hersh), Wednesday (Liani Cash), Pugsley (Ally Hyatt), Lurch (Chase Moak), Cousin It (Mick McCormick) and, of course, Thing. They’ve gathered—where else?—in the family graveyard, to celebrate life and death in a yearly ritual to connect with their past and ensure their future. They are at peace, not just with each other and their inimitable, unchanging Addams-ness, but with their dead ancestors, too—who emerge from their graves on this night each year to join in the celebration (Makayla Alsobrook, Ricky Bates, Emma Bock, Laith Boswell, Milo Briggs, Maci Bright, Julie Davis, Leigh Dayanan, Ella Domini, Mattea Emerson, Bella Gibson, Delaney Hodges, Ellison Jones, Kamyron Lefebvre, Zachary Linn, Wynn Mahoney, Mick Morrell, Beck Nelson, Nicholas Padilla, Jerome Sweatman). At the end of the ritual this year, though, Fester blocks the ancestors’ return to their graves! Those unchanging Addams family values are about to be tested when we find out that Wednesday, “that bundle of malice,” is in love…with a “normal” person, Lucas Beineke (Garret Cox)…and he, his mistrusting father Mal (Mark Green), and his cloying mother (Valeria Carbajal) are on their way to dinner. But how ‘normal’ are these regular Ohioans? The night will take a crazy turn when the Beinekes sit down to dinner with the Addams! Will everyone live happily ever after or go home slightly depressed?

Join us at the Harrison High School Performing Arts Center to see this creepy, kooky, mysterious, and spooky family and their ancestors deal with the trials of modern young love! 

The Addams Family, A New Musical will be performed at the HHS PAC April 12, 13, 19, 20 at 7:00pm and April 14 and 21 at 2:00pm. Tickets are on sale at

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Comedy/Drama: All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten! #LiveAtTheLyric March 1-2, 2024 at 7:00pm and March 3, 2024 at 2:00pm

The Ozark Arts Council Presents:
All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten
Friday–Saturday, March 1–2, 7:00PM
Sunday, March 3, 2:00PM

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten will be performed Live at the Lyric March 1–2, 2024 at 7:00PM, and Sunday March 3 at 2:00PM. Tickets are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors (55 and up) and students, and $8 for children (under 12), when purchased in advance; prices are $3 higher if purchased at the door.

PLEASE NOTE: Adult themes and language.

Based on Robert Fulghum’s best-selling books, Kindergarten takes a funny, insightful, heartwarming look at what is profound in everyday life. It’s an evening of theatrical storytelling in revue format, with monologues, dialogues, and multiple-voice narration, enhanced through the use of live piano underscoring, which provides fluidity and charm to the experience. While not a musical per se, the play also includes some well-placed songs to enhance the emotional texture of the storytelling.

Heartwarming, charming, funny and touching. The stories are about all of us.

– National Public Radio

The delightful stories feature colorful characters such as: a shy little boy who insists on playing the “pig” in his class production of Cinderella and steals the show; a man whose dream of flying carries him high over Los Angeles…in a lawn chair buoyed by surplus weather balloons; a “mother of the bride” who’s staged a perfect wedding—until the bowling ball of fate rolls down the aisle; and a modern-day Greek philosopher who finds the meaning of life in a piece of broken mirror from World War II.

These stories celebrate our very existence, from the whimsy of childhood to the wisdom of old age, giving performances of Kindergarten the sort of lasting relevance that is fitting for those who know Fulguhm’s book.

A refreshingly intimate combination of theatre and storytelling. Gentle…funny…joyous. Sparks of recognition ignited the audience.

– The Chicago Sun-Times

Our cast includes a wide range of ages and experience levels all brought together by new-to-us-but-highly-experienced director Leslie Austin (who taught Theatre and worked with several troupes in the DFW area for several decades). Actors include Lisa Johnson, Shelly Watson, Beth Lambeth, Rachel Hayes, Kelly Copeland, Susan Spradlin, Andrew Coble, Fred Lutz, Amy Sorenson, Alexis Poor, Ann Lemley, and Daniel Seay.

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten will be performed Live at the Lyric March 1–2, 2024 at 7:00PM, and Sunday March 3 at 2:00PM. Tickets are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors (55 and up) and students, and $8 for children (under 12), when purchased in advance; prices are $3 higher if purchased at the door by standing in the cold wind and rain of early March in the Ozarks…

OAC Ticketing Link

Comedy & Dinner Theatre: Wild Women of Winedale! Twelve Oaks Estate, October 25-26, 2024 at 6:00pm and October 27, 2024 at 1:00pm

The Ozark Arts Council Presents:
The Wild Women of Winedale
Friday–Saturday, October 25–26, 6:00PM
with a full dinner preceding
Sunday, October 27, 1:00PM
with charcuterie, wine, and dessert

Wild Women of Winedale will be performed at Twelve Oaks Estate on October 25 and 26 at 6:00PM, and Sunday October 27 at 1:00PM as a dinner theatre. Tickets are $40 for dinner on Friday and Saturday and $30 on Sunday for chartcuterie, wine, and dessert.

This joyful and exuberant, yet ultimately touching, comedy focuses on three women at crossroads in their lives—the Wild sisters of Winedale, Virginia—Fanny and Willa and their frustratingly quirky sister-in-law Johnnie Faye. This feisty and fun-loving trio has supported and cheered one another through life’s highs and lows through the years, including the early demise of two of their husbands. And they really need each other now, as Fanny experiences a hilariously inappropriate reaction to her 60th birthday, while Willa is so stressed out from her nursing job she resorts to vodka and speed-knitting to cope, and Johnnie Faye, determined to put her year of fraught widowhood behind her, desperately tries to find a man—preferably a man with a house, since hers is somewhere at the bottom of a Florida sinkhole. These women’s lives are further upended by the responsibility of caring for their free-spirited, ailing aunt and the realization that they are drowning under loads of family keepsakes and possessions nobody wants—especially them! With equal doses of hilarity and heart, these extraordinary women come up with delightful and surprisingly unorthodox ways to clear the clutter from their lives, their homes and their relationships so they can move their lives forward. Together they prove it’s never too late to take another one of life’s paths for a grand new adventure. This Jones Hope Wooten comedy is guaranteed to drive you wild with laughter—and motivate you to keep hounding the kids to please take that stack of quilts and Granny’s Christmas china!

Wild Women of Winedale will be performed at Twelve Oaks Estate on October 25 and 26 at 6:00PM, and Sunday October 27 at 1:00PM as a dinner theatre. Tickets are $40 for dinner on Friday and Saturday and $30 on Sunday for chartcuterie, wine, and dessert. Tickets at

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Dramedy: Lone Star and Laundry & Bourbon, at the Lyric Theater May 2–4, 2024 at 7:00pm and May 5, 2024 at 2:00pm

Northark Drama and
The Ozark Arts Council Present:
Lone Star
Laundry & Bourbon
Thursday–Saturday, May 2–4, 7:00PM
Sunday, May 5, 2:00PM

Lone Star and Laundry and Bourbon, two one-act plays by James McClure that are meant to be performed together, will be performed Live at the Lyric May 2–4, 2024 at 7:00PM, and Sunday May 5 at 2:00PM. Tickets are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors (55 and up) and students, and $8 for children (under 12), when purchased in advance; prices are $3 higher if purchased at the door.

PLEASE NOTE: Adult themes and language.

Lonestar, Laundry, and Bourbon will be performed at the 1929 Historic Lyric Theater May 2, 3, 4 at 7:00pm and May 5 at 2:00pm. Tickets are on sale at
These two one-act plays will be back to back, and are about the same small town in Texas.

In the first part, the setting is the front porch of Roy and Elizabeth’s (Emma Bock) home in Maynard, TX on a hot summer afternoon. Elizabeth and her friend Hattie (Kylan Mayes) are whiling away their time folding laundry, watching TV, gossiping, and of course, sipping bourbon. The hot day gets a bit more heated when they are joined by the self-righteous Amy Lee (Brinkley Brewer), the new wife of Cletis, the local hardware owner’s son, who can’t resist blurting out that Elizabeth’s husband has been seen around town with other women. While the ensuing conversation in increasingly edged with bitterness, it is obvious that Elizabeth will stand by her man.

In the second part, Roy (Hayden Allen), Elizabeth’s husband, a brawny, macho type, is back in town after serving in Vietnam, and is trying to re-establish his place back in the community. He is joined by his younger brother, Ray (Donovan Walters), who worships him, but has a dangerous secret.. With the arrival of Cletis (Isaiah Wallis), the underpinnings of Roy’s world begins to collapse when Ray’s secret comes out: he has slept with Roy’s wife during his absence and also demolished his beloved Thunderbird. While the three men try to regain the status quo, we are left with the feeling that, with Elizabeth’s love, things may just work out.

Please note: subject matter and language caution. While infused with humor, Lone Star presents a man’s raw emotions about his shattered life using the coarse and crude language one might not want their children exposed to, so parental discretion is advised.

Lone Star and Laundry and Bourbon, will be performed Live at the Lyric, May 2–4, 2024 at 7:00PM, and Sunday May 5 at 2:00PM. Tickets are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors (55 and up) and students, and $8 for children (under 12), when purchased in advance; prices are $3 higher if purchased at the door…maybe even more for the Sunday afternoon performance, depending on how blisteringly the May sun comes through the box office window, scorching the eyeballs of our poor volunteer. No, seriously: do yourself a favor and save that three (or more) bucks.

(Many thanks to Dan Zadorozny, the artist who runs Iconian Fonts, for graciously allowing us the free use of his Texas Ranger font for our graphics!)

OAC Ticketing Link

Drama: Radium Girls! #LiveAtTheLyric January 25-27, 2024 at 7:00pm and January 28, 2024 at 2:00pm

Radium Girls will be performed Live at the Lyric January 25-27 at 7:00pm, and Sunday January 28 at 2:00pm. Tickets are $8-12 and raise $3 at the door. Tickets at

In 1926, radium was a miracle cure, Madame Curie (Mattea Emerson) an international celebrity, and luminous watches the latest rage—until the girls who painted them began to fall ill with a mysterious disease. Inspired by a true story, Radium Girls traces the efforts of Grace Fryer (Emma Bock), a dial painter, as she and the other “Radium Girls – Irene (Liani Cash) and Kathryn (Ella Domino) fight for their day in court. Their chief adversary is former employer, Arthur Roeder (Isaiah Wallis), an idealistic man who cannot bring himself to believe that the same element that shrinks tumors could have anything to do with the terrifying rash of illnesses among his employees. As the case goes on, however, Grace finds herself battling not just with the U.S. Radium Corporation and their lackeys (Markley, played by Wyatt Villines; and Lee, played by Mark Green), but with her own family and friends (Tom, her fiancé, played by Laith Boswell, and Anna, her mother, played by Destiney Walker), who fear that her campaign for justice will backfire. Called a “powerful” and “engrossing” drama by critics, Radium Girls offers a wry, unflinching look at the peculiarly American obsessions with health, wealth, and the commercialization of science. For more information of this incredible story of strength, we recommend visiting Juris Magazine to be linked to a fascinating and informative article.

Other cast members include the allies, scientists, reporters, and witnesses that were part of the trial, played by: North Phifer, Angie Briggs, Natalie Sims, Nicole Olcott, Cordelia Kaeser, Fred Lutz, Emily Akins- Sexton, Hayleigh Rodery, Julie Davis, Caylee Arthur, Arrowyn Arthur, Joseph Cotton, Trinity White, Kathern Scott-White, Simone Ruff.

Radium Girls will be performed Live at the Lyric January 25-27 at 7:00pm, and Sunday January 28 at 2:00pm. Tickets are $8-12 and raise $3 at the door. Tickets at

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TCOTO Kidz Play: Reindeer Games, at the Lyric Theater December 17, 2023 at 2:00pm AND 7:00pm

The Theatre Co. of the Ozarks presents Reindeer Games, a fun Christmas show just for kids! Come get in the mood for the holidays in this wonderful show about teamwork, trust, and faith in Christmas. Reindeer Games will be presented with 2 shows on Sunday December 17 at 2:00 AND 7:00pm! Tickets at

Pulling Santa’s sleigh is hard work. Even reindeer have to hang up the reins eventually. So, when team leader Dasher decides to retire, coaches Kris and Carol Kringle host the Reindeer Games to find the next member of Santa’s reindeer crew — known as the Nifty Nine.

Eager reindeer recruits showcase their talents in a series of easy-to-stage games. But these aren’t your typical winter events, nor are these your typical competitors. Alongside fast, strong and nimble jocks is a brainy tech geek, a lost chef looking for a cooking competition, a chipper cheerleader, and a lingo-slinging international snowboarder. The all-star quarterback has a tender secret talent, and one competitor looks curiously like a moose!

But before Coach Kris can announce the newest crewmember, the original Nifty Nine make a cameo appearance — with a surprise announcement! Turns out there are no “losers” when you’re on Santa’s nice list. And by lifting one another up, the New Nifty Nine all get a chance to fly with the Big Guy!

The Theatre Co. of the Ozarks presents Reindeer Games, a fun Christmas show just for kids! Come get in the mood for the holidays in this wonderful show about teamwork, trust, and faith in Christmas. Reindeer Games will be presented with 2 shows on Sunday December 17 at 2:00 AND 7:00pm! Tickets at

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Comedy: The Silver Whistle, at the Lyric Theater December 1-2, 2023 at 7:00pm and December 3, 2023 at 2:00pm

In this fairy tale, a silver whistle possessing magic powers is lost by a princess, and great adventures are had in the search for it. The whistle may be used to summon the slave of the whistle, who obeys commands, grants wishes and occasionally issues warnings or reproof. Magic, trickery, theft and the intervention of a bird bring about changes in the whistle’s ownership. Its uses result in exciting and sometimes awkward situations. Finally, the policeman asks the audience for assistance in his search for the whistle. Their ready help may be accepted and used or skillfully rejected by the actors. The whistle is ultimately returned to the princess, who, along with the policeman, decides how best to deal with it.

OAC Ticketing Link

Drama: Stephen King’s Misery! #LiveAtTheLyric October 5–7, 2023 at 7:00pm and October 8, 2023 at 2:00pm

The Theatre Co. of the Ozarks and the Ozark Arts Council present Stephen King’s Misery (adapted for the stage by William Goldman, this is the same version done by Bruce Willis on Broadway and the basis for the 1990 film with James Caan and Kathy Bates), October 5–7, 2023 at 7:00pm and October 8, 2023 at 2:00pm at the Historic 1929 Lyric Theater on the Harrison, Arkansas square.

Misery follows successful romance novelist Paul Sheldon (Rick Turner Lucas), who is rescued from a car crash by his “number one fan,” Annie Wilkes (Toinette Madison), and wakes up captive in her secluded home. While Paul is convalescing, Annie reads his latest book and becomes enraged when she discovers the author has killed off her favorite character, Misery Chastain. Annie forces Paul to write a new Misery novel, and he quickly realizes Annie has no intention of letting him go anywhere, despite Officer Buster’s (Louie Keener) presence. The irate Annie has Paul writing as if his life depends on it—because it does!

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