ITS Troupe 2715 and
Harrison High School Theatre present:
Once Upon a Mattress
Wednesday–Saturday, April 20–23, 7:00PM
Harrison High School Theatre Dept. and International Thespian Society Troupe 2715 present Once Upon a Mattress, performed at the Harrison High School Performing Arts Center April 20-23 at 7:00pm. Tickets at – $12 adult, $10 senior/student, $8 children (prices raise $3 if purchased at the door).
Once Upon A Mattress, based on the famous fairy tale, The Princess and the Pea, is a hilarious retelling with quite the twist! Many moons ago in a far-off place, Queen Aggravain (Jenna Wilson), aided by her loyal Wizard (Mandy Prpich), has decreed that no couples shall marry until her son, Prince Dauntless (Zach Jimerson), finds a bride. Her husband, King Sextimus (Donovan Walters), might have something to say about that…if he could do any speaking, that is. Princesses (Iria Delgado) come from far and wide to win the hand of the prince, but none can pass the impossible tests given to them by the Queen and Wizard.
The Knights and Ladies of the Court (Jude Bilbee, Lily Brockelman, Joseph Claus, Ellie denHollander, Mya Dodson, Ella Domino, Camron Edwards, Lashayla Engel, Michelle Gregory, Victoria Hudson, Cassi Johnson, Lilly Mangrum, Landon McKellep, Katey Sims, Natalie Sims, Maegen Sterling, Jerome Sweatman, William Tanner, Lydia Thomas, Serenity Yang) are distressed by the situation, but the most concerned are Lady Larken (double cast Faith Nix and Valeria Carbajal) and her handsome knight, Sir Harry (Hayden Allen). Sir Harry, determined to find a true princess for Dauntless, sets off for unexplored parts and comes back with a shy swamp princess,
Winnifred the Woebegone (double cast V. Grae Smith and Rilee Young).
Meanwhile, the Minstrel (Addie Jones) and Jester (Brinkley Brewer) have their hands full trying to solve everyone’s problems and stay out of trouble themselves, but things become more complicated when it turns out that the Queen’s underhanded schemes are no match for a delicate thing like a Swamp Princess. When a pea is placed under 20 mattresses and a Nightingale (double cast Maci Bright and Faith Nix) is provided to sing Princess Fred to sleep, some side-splitting shenanigans are most definitely in store!
Harrison High School Theatre Dept. and International Thespian Society Troupe 2715 present Once Upon a Mattress, performed at the Harrison High School Performing Arts Center April 20-23 at 7:00pm. Tickets are at – $12 adult, $10 senior/student, $8 children (prices raise $3 if purchased at the door).