The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
November 17–23, 2015

[Source: November 17, 2015 OAC eNews]

The main floor of the historic Lyric Theater has a few seats left in the center section for opening night, plus many great seats 9right, left, and balcony…and looking at the names on the tickets, we can tell you that there are a bunch of folks whose place in the audience almost serves as ‘extra cast’, because they add to the atmosphere of the production. (There’s no good way to explain this…but come tonight and you will see!)

These wonderful photos from Tavi Photography of NWA (and our own OAC files) just scratch the surface in conveying how dynamic this cast is in its presentation of Shakespeare’s timeless tragedy.hamletpromo_med-files_13wm

Directors Michael Mahoney and Rebekah Wilson manage to extract every ounce of energy from their cast in every performance. Their rehearsals for Hamlet have been so intense and entertaining that they should have been selling tickets to the rehearsals, as well!

hamletpromo_med-files_44wm hamletpromo_med-files_40wm hamletpromo_med-files_02wmThis is no stiff and boring “class assignment” that you will be viewing. Hamlet is a tale of lies and of love—both romance and 6platonic devotion—of injustice and of action…with just enough merriment sprinkled in to break up the tension…only so that even more tension may be created by the next scene!

If this is your first time seeing Hamlet, come to opening night tonight so that you’re able to fit in another viewing, as you will want to come back during 7this
brief run!

For you who have known and loved this play for years, you will not be disappointed by this production! Michael and Bekah, along with their hamletpromo_med-files_22wmassistant director, Mary Crosley, and their whole crew have done an amazing job of giving their cast a fitting atmosphere for excellence, and the cast has risen to their every challenge and demand! The growth from the first day until now is nearly unfathomable, as the growth just in the past month is itself massively impressive.






The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, a joint 15production of Northark Drama and The Theatre Company of the Ozarks, opens tonight at 7:00 at the historic Lyric Theater on the Harrison, Arkansas square and will also be performed this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings (November 18–21) at 7:00 p.m., Sunday, November 22, at 2:00 p.m., and Monday, November 23, at 10:00 a.m.


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