Benefit Concert for Sanctuary
featuring THREE great area bands:
The Hedley Lamar Band,
Earth Bone,
& White Fox Kill!
sponsored by
Light Up Harrison, the OAC, and the Bands!
Saturday, October 13 3:00PM–8:00PM

Three bands that have consistently kept crowds coming back for more have banded together to support victims of domestic abuse by helping Sanctuary provide food and shelter. Sponsored by Light Up Harrison, which is committed not only to the lighting of the Square and streets of Harrison for the Christmas season, but to keep aglow the light of our area’s residents’ love for those in need, these excellent bands will perform to raise cash and food donations on Saturday, October 13, from 3:00–8:00.
The Ozark Arts Council is delighted to host The Hedley Lamar Band, Earth Bone, and White Fox Kill, who have graciously chosen to play for us at this fundraising event, through which

Sanctuary will be able to continue in its mission of providing for those escaping abuse and Light Up Harrison will continue to show the world that our area takes seriously our duty to recognize and enhance all that is good, noble, and beautiful. The OAC remains committed to the contention that great art most often comes from great passion—which is, literally, great suffering, whether from agony or from ecstasy—so that the Arts help us to heal and to thrive, to turn victimization to survival and survival to triumph.
The doors of the Roots Music Palace of the Ozarks—Harrison, Arkansas’s historic Lyric Theater—will open at 2:00 for a performance stretching from 3:00 to 8:00 on Saturday, October 13. Adult beverages and general concessions will be available throughout this concert, and there will be short (5–10 minute) intermissions between bands, as well. Tickets are available in advance for $2.50 and two food items* or for $5; at the door, they will be $5 and two food items.
The Benefit Concert for Sanctuary, sponsored by Light Up Harrison, will begin at 3:00 on Saturday, October 13, and run from 3:00–8:00. The doors of Harrison’s historic Lyric Theater will open at 2:00 and adult beverages and general concessions will be available throughout the evening. Tickets are available in advance online, at (870) 391-3504, or 9–4 weekdays at the OAC office (door to the left of the theater) for $2.50 and two food items or $5.00*; at the door, they will be $5 plus two food items.
*Please just bring the food items with you and don’t try to send them through our ticketing page; last time, someone tried to send a jar of strawberry preserves and it really gummed up our server.