NORTHARK DRAMA: 2009 Productions
2008 Productions | 2009 Productions | 2010 Productions | Current Production

Friday, November 13, Saturday, November 14, and Friday, November 20, 2009 at 7pm
Sundays, November 15 and 22, 2009 at 2pm
The Ozark Arts Council and North Arkansas College proudly present Northark Drama’s fall production at the Lyric Theater, Sam Shepard’s True West, a gritty dark comedy about two brothers. Austin, a "successful" young man with a budding screenwriting career, house-sits for his mother. He wishes privacy to work on his screenplay, but is interrupted by his brother Lee, an unshaven alcoholic, thief, and "loser" who has also decided to return home. Austin protests, but realizes there is little he can do to change his brother's behavior, so he simply requests that Lee be out of the house by the following day when Austin expects a visit from a Hollywood producer, Saul Kimmer.
True West is clear, funny, and naturalistic. Michael Mahoney, who is directing the play, said, "True West is also opaque, terrifying, and extremely surrealistic throughout. Shepard has the ability in his depictions to make you think you're watching one thing while at the same time he's presenting another."
The two brothers represent two sides of the American present: one sophisticated, cultured, ambitious, and successful; the other alienated and outcast, raw, wild, violent. As the play unfolds, the two characters exchange places and reveal that each is the double of the other. Shepard's plays emphasize that, despite the American belief in starting anew, the past is never over but continues to intrude into the present.
The production contains adult language and adult content. Admission is $10; $5 for students with proof of ID. Tickets are half price with the donation of any two non-perishable food items.
Mike Mahoney....... Lee
Bryan Miller .......... Austin
Bill Edwards ......... Saul
Ann Porter .......... Mom
Thursday, April 30 - Saturday, May 1, 2009, 7pm;
Sunday, May 2, 2009, 2pm
Admission: $10
Cast: Character:
Sara Cook…………………………………………….………Meg Magrath
Claudia Peters……………………………….……..…….Babe Botrelle
Joanna Sweatman……………………………………...Lenny Magrath
Kelsey Todd……………………………………..………...Chick Boyle
Garion O’Neil……………………………………..…….…Barnette Lloyd
Brock McVay……………………………………………….Doc Porter
Technical Crew:
Stage Manager……………………………….Amber Langston
Lighting Operation/Design………………Bryan Griffith
Sound Operation/Design………………..Bryan Griffith
Director……………………………………………Michael Mahoney
Program Design………………………………Bryan Miller
Set Design………………………………………Ann Graffy
Costume Designs…………………………..Cast and Crew Collaboration
Special thanks to James L. White for use of his photographs of True West (above).