NORTHARK DRAMA: 2010 Productions
2008 Productions | 2009 Productions| Current Production
You Can’t Take It with You | The Day Room
Northark Drama in association with The Theatre Company presents
You Can’t Take it With You
by Moss Hart and George Kaufman
Fridays and Saturdays, March 19, 20, 26, 27, 2010 at 7pm
Sundays, March 21 and 28, 2010 at 2pm
This production is in honor of E. Michael Bishop.
You Can't Take It With You, Moss Hart and George S. Kaufman’s whimsical Pulitzer Prize-winning Broadway play, is the story of the zany Sycamore household, presided over by Grandpa Vanderhof (Preston Garrison), a former businessman who has turned his back on commerce to enjoy life. At the Sycamores', everyone does just what he or she pleases. At first, the family seems mad, but it is not long before we realize that if they are mad, the rest of the world is madder.
In contrast to these delightful people are the unhappy Kirbys. Tony (Michael Rowe), the attractive young Kirby son, falls in love with Alice Sycamore (Amanda Dees). His family sustains a shock when they are invited to dine at the Sycamore home and are asked to eat cheap food. Because of the resulting mayhem, Alice decides that marriage with Tony is out of the question.
Meantime, Tony, who knows the Sycamores are right and his own people wrong, will not give her up, and in the end stodgy Mr. Kirby (Clark Middleton) is converted to the happy madness of the Sycamores, especially since he happens in during a visit by an ex-Grand Duchess (Denise Fleming), currently earning her living as a waitress.
The fast-paced farce also includes hilarious mentions of the strange activities of certain members of the household engaged in the manufacture of fireworks; a printing press set up in the parlor; the maid Rheba (Kelley Faddis) and her friend Donald (Daniel Seay); and Grandpa’s interview with the tax collector when he tells him he doesn’t believe in the income tax.
The original production of the play opened at the Booth Theater on December 14, 1936 and played for 837 performances. It is directed by Michael Mahoney (Northark Drama) and Bill Edwards (The Theatre Company). Set design by Ann Graffy.

Penelope Sycamore....................Lisa Johnson
Essie…....................................…Julianna Stefanski
Rheba........................................Kelley Faddis
Paul Sycamore............................Jamie Taylor
Mr. De Pinna...............................Darrell Whorton
Ed…………………………...............…...David Stewart
Donald……………………….................Daniel Seay
Martin Vanderhof (Grandpa) ......Preston Garrison
Alice………………………............…......Amanda Dees
Henderson……….........…………….....Rob Thomason
Tony Kirby………...........……………...Michael Rowe
Boris Kolenkhov…........…………......Bill Edwards
Gay Wellington…………..........……...Nancy Dees
Mr. Kirby………............…………….....Clark Middleton
Mrs. Kirby……….............……………...Ann Lemley
Olga………………...............…………....Denise Fleming
Three Men.....Rob Thomason, Joey Jones, Wes Williams
Photographs above from You Can't Take It With You.

Northark Drama presents
The Day Room by Don DeLillo
Thursday–Saturday, December 2-4, 2010 at 7pm
Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 2pm
The Day Room, DeLillo's first play, is a black comedy that explores the chaos caused when the onlooker is unsure of the status of a team of medics in a psychiatric unit. Are they really bona fide staff or patients just pretending to be?
The play is written in an absurdist style reminiscent of Samuel Beckett and Eugene Ionesco, and avoids linear plot in favor of a non-traditional view into such themes as empathy, personal identity, fear of death, and the seeming impossibility of meaningful communication. In line with the transformation of identities, the sparse hospital room of the first act becomes a vaguely defined motel room for the second act. One of the asylum patients of the first act appears in the second act as Figure in Straitjacket, performing as a television set for the remainder of action.
According to DeLillo, "This is a play about performance and concealment. It explores secret levels of language, perception and identity. Even the sets are 'hidden' inside each other, and at the end of act two the motel set becomes the hospital room of act one."
Tickets are $5 for students with ID and $10 for general admission. $5 discount with the donation of at least two nonperishable food items for Share and Care. Tickets are available by calling 870.391.3504, or at the OAC office next to the Lyric Theater on the Square. The Box Office will open one hour prior to each performance.
Ken Bailey...................Budge/Arno Klein
Garion O’Neil...............Wyatt/Figure in straitjacket
Billy Edwards...............Mr. Grass/Freddie
Claudia Peters..............Nurse Walker/Lynette
Kelley Faddis................Nurse Baker/Jolene
Michael Mahoney..........Desk Clerk/Orderly
Bryan Miller..................Dr. Bazelon/Manville
Preston Garrison...........Dr. Phelps/Gary
Jesseanne Queer..........Maid/Orderly
Lighting Operator: Bryan Griffith
Stage Manager: Danielle Partridge
Photographs above from The Day Room.