The Ozark Arts Council is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with the mission to enrich lives by promoting the arts in Harrison and North Arkansas through exhibitions, performances, and education. Memberships and donations allow the OAC and its six Member Organizations to provide quality cultural programming and maintain the historic Lyric Theater for performances and community events.
The easiest way to become a Member is to use our online membership system.

You can also download and mail in the OAC Membership Form, if you prefer. (It is a PDF: click to print and fill out by hand; right-click to download and fill out in Adobe Reader or MacOS Preview, etc.).
Annual Memberships are available
at the following levels:
Understudy: $50–$128
- Quarterly newsletter with upcoming events and other news
- Recognition in playbills and/or on-screen before events
Patron: $500-$999
- Quarterly newsletter with upcoming events and other news
- Personal and/or business name listed in playbills
- Link to your website from OAC website
- Recognition on-screen before events
- Pre-sale ticket purchasing opportunities (get your seats before sales open to the rest of the world…and eliminate ticketing fees!)
- One (1) vote at the OAC Annual Membership Meeting
- Discounts on Season Passes!
Principal: $1,000-$4,999
- Two (2) invitations to the Annual OAC Christmas Party
- Logo and name link to your website on OAC website
- Quarterly newsletter with upcoming events and other news
- Personal and/or business name listed in playbills
- Link to your website from OAC website
- Recognition on-screen before events
- Pre-sale ticket purchasing opportunities (get your seats before sales open to the rest of the world…and eliminate ticketing fees!)
- One (1) vote at the OAC Annual Membership Meeting
- Even bigger discounts on Season Passes!
Director: $5,000-$9,999
- Two (2) complimentary tickets to the annual fundraiser
- Two (2) invitations to the Annual OAC Christmas Party
- Logo and name link to your website on OAC website
- Quarterly newsletter with upcoming events and other news
- Personal and/or business name listed in playbills
- Recognition on-screen before events
- Pre-sale ticket purchasing opportunities (get your seats before sales open to the rest of the world…and eliminate ticketing fees!)
- One (1) vote at the OAC Annual Membership Meeting
- Backstage Tour after a production!
- Still larger discounts on Season Passes!
Executive Producer: $10,000 and up
- One-time use of the Lyric Theater (for a non-ticketed event)
- Recognition in playbills and/or on-screen before events
- Two (2) complimentary tickets to the annual fundraiser
- One (1) vote at the OAC Annual Membership Meeting
- Two (2) complimentary tickets to the annual fundraiser
- Two (2) invitations to the Annual OAC Christmas Party
- Logo and name link to your website on OAC website
- Quarterly newsletter with upcoming events and other news
- Personal and/or business name listed in playbills
- Recognition on-screen before events
- Pre-sale ticket purchasing opportunities (get your seats before sales open to the rest of the world…and eliminate ticketing fees!)
- One (1) vote at the OAC Annual Membership Meeting
- Backstage Tour after a production!
- Are there even larger discounts on Season Passes‽ Yep!
All memberships valid through June 30, 2026 for the 2025–2026 Season. While we have sought to make sure that our Member benefits are such that they do not compromise the deductibility of your membership donation, members may file a letter with us choosing not to receive Membership benefits so that it is clear to the IRS that you are donating the full amount to the OAC. If Membership benefits are accepted, please check with your tax professional as to what portion of your membership may remain tax-deductible.
The first step in getting involved is to know what’s going on! Since it’s easy to forget to check our web site every single day (because we are constantly adding new events!), we have the OAC eNews! Email
to sign up!
Our latest enewsletter is here!
A trio of things you should know:
- We will never give away or sell your email address or other information!
- Most of the time, we will only email you once or twice per week.
- If we are getting up to a performance date, we may send additional emails apprising you of the seating situation. (Until the day arrives that everyone buys their tickets online and well in advance of a performance, this helps us prevent having a line of people at the box office being turned away because of a sold out performance…or not showing because they think it was already sold out!)
Thank you for signing up for the OAC eNews!
Help the Ozark Arts Council restore the Lyric Theater! Through the Adopt-a-Seat program, we have been upgrading our theater in with: new seats that maintain its historic character and charm, new flooring, an expanded stage, and, this coming year, restoration of our balcony restrooms (out of operation since the ’70s).
Adopting a seat is a great way to show your support or honor a loved one. You may view a sample of the new seat in the lobby of the Lyric. Thank you to those who have already adopted a seat!
For a donation of only $100, an engraved plaque in honor of you or a loved one will be placed on a seat in the Lyric Theater. Download the Adopt-A-Seat form or adopt your seat online. For $50, you can take home one of our old seats.
Thank you to those individuals and businesses who have already Adopted A Seat
Twentieth Century Club
Don Alberson
Bill & Bonnie Baker
Joe Baldwin
Dennis Beal
Charles & Linda Beaver
Doug & Beverly Beckman
Mike & Mary Bishop
Char Black
Larry & Cathy Brandt
Jed Bullock
Al & Jackie Buxton
Gail Campbell
Josephine Cash
Bob Chadwick
Drs. Carl & Sue Chambers
Jeff & Jane Christenson
Helen Clavey
Dr. James Coats
Community First Bank
Reece & Christy Conrad
Ruth & Steve Davis
Bob & Eliza Dickson
Mark & Susan Duren
Brian & Betty Erwin
FedEx Freight
FedEx Freight Executive Office
FedEx Freight Legal Department
First Federal Bank
First National Bank of Berryville
Anne Connerley Fowler
Sarah Gheen
Holly Gillies
Joe & Cathy Golden
Ann Graffy
Greater Ozarks Republican Women
Jim & Gwen Gresham
John Paul Hammerschmidt
Harrison District Board of Realtors
Harrison Regional Chamber of Commerce
Richard & Cova Hart
Kim Hickson
Johny & Barbara Hinson
Ann Horn
Frieda Hudson
The Daughters of James Hudson
James F. Hudson
Jim & Lisa Johnson
Mike Johnson
Jim Keel
Alta King
Bill & Rita Kneip
Mildred Krisik
Don Kostelac
Billye Sue Lawrence
Jay & Marcille Lawrence
Pollyanna Leimberg
Richard & Ann Lemley
Joan Lipsmeyer
Carolyn Luallen
Martin Construction Company
Mary H. Martin
William & Ann May
Pat McBride
HK McCaleb
Gary & Brenda Melton
Patty Methvin
Clark & Madeleine Middleton
Pat & Sharon Murphy
Pat & Lou Ann Moles
Mike & Karin Nabors
Wanda Nelson
James & Fern Nicholson
Dana O’Quin
Rudy & Sue Parks
Glenna Ragan
Bob & Sandra Reynolds
Chris & Tammy Reynolds
Mike Reynolds
Diana Robb
Jim & Joey Roth
Patsy Sargent
Greg & Cheryl Satterfield
Vita Saville
Rock Seawel
Jock Seeyle
Curt & Reba Shaddox
Harland & Nancy Sharp
Greg & Roz Slavik
June Snow
Chuck & Mary Speice
Jim Sprott
Terry Stambaugh
Katie & Julianna Stefanski
Jamie Taylor
Pat Taylor
Rob Thomason
Edwin Clark Trantham
Dr. Charles Walker
Marilyn Williams
Mike & Linda Wood
Pat Wood
Angela Wright
The Ozark Arts Council is always looking for volunteers to assist with office work, concessions, box office, and more.
History has taught us that the most vibrant societies are produced by giving, not by taking, and especially the most vibrant are those that have a thriving and active Arts community, which has been produced by patronage and volunteerism. The OAC believes the following to be true: The Arts are what help us survive.
The very nature of the Arts is to be both welcoming and challenging, to bring you in and to lift you up. The Lyric and the OAC’s Member Organizations provide a place full of experiences that put all of the noise of this world’s discontent aside, a place that welcomes you into a moment where you neither have to be consumed with the woes of the world, real and imagined—or even what you’re going to make for supper, or find on your next day at work. For all of the ‘escapism’ that television promised, it is no match for joining with the rest of your community in a place where all that divides us is set aside and a team of volunteers seeks to be their best selves and to help our community, at least for a few hours, to be ours.
The OAC depends on volunteers like you to help us be our best selves. We provide an opportunity to learn and grow, make friends, be a valued member of our organization, and be needed. We aim to make every experience at the theater a remarkable one for both our volunteers and our patrons. Because volunteers represent the theater, it is important that you help our patrons feel at home. Your appearance, actions, and conduct all influence how patrons perceive the Lyric. Our hope is that you greet each patron with a smile and friendly attitude and treat them as you like to be treated. Likewise, we hope that our experience with us is what puts that smile on your face and gladness in your heart as you learn that you are a vital part of spreading the Arts in our area.
Volunteers receive free tickets to OAC-hosted events and are able to be a part of our Recognition Program. To apply for a volunteer position, please fill out this form. You may mail this form to our mailing address, attach it to an email to our volunteer coordinator at in**@oz**************.org , or drop it by our office. For more information, call us for at (870) 391-3504 or email in**@oz**************.org .
Built in 1929 as the area’s first movie theater for ‘talkies’, the Lyric Theater is a unique venue for plays and concerts. Read the history of the Lyric and enjoy this delightful article by Adria English of First Security Bank’s “Only in Arkansas” magazine, check the map for location and directions, and read below for rental information and specifications important to performers, directors, sound engineers, etc.
The theater’s design has tremendous benefits for both dramatic and musical performance. First is simply the intimate design: the center section of the main floor has only seven full rows, and the topmost row of the balcony is only 18 rows back from the stage. In plays with an orchestra, the orchestra gives the advantage to the audience, playing at stage right (usually on the main level, sometimes at stage level), rather than having a pit that adds distance between the stage and seating.
Especially with the extra footage added to the stage in the first decade of this milennium (so much that our seating no longer starts with row A, but row B!), we are something ‘more’ than a traditional proscenium stage, yet not quite a thrust stage, so that we actually offer the benefits of both: the ability to hide props and actors outside of the ‘window’ created by the proscenium arch (aiding in the suspension of disbelief, which has become more of a challenge in audiences conditioned by film viewing), while approaching the fourth-wall-reducing intimacy of a thrust stage.
Seating Capacity
Main floor – 240
Balcony – 125
(15 seats are reserved for OAC use at all performances)
General Specifications
Width of proscenium arch – 31 ft.
Height of proscenium arch – 16 ft.
Overall permanent stage width – 34 ft.
Stage depth from front curtain to back wall – 14 ft.
Top stage size – 15.25 ft. deep by 34 ft. across
Lower stage size –
frontmost, between stairwells – 4 ft. deep by 21 ft. across
principal, behind stairwells – 12 ft. deep by 34 ft. across
with extensions – 12 ft. deep by 43 to 49 ft. across
Stage left wing width – 5.5 ft. by 14.5 ft.
Stage right wing width – 2 ft. by 12 ft.
Stage left side loft with window – 4 ft. by 7 ft.
Stage right side loft with window – 4 ft. by 7 ft.
Standard size stage door
Stage loading door – 88 in. wide by 94 in. high
Front curtain (green velour) travel – Front half 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Back half 7 ft. x 9.5 ft.
Scrim curtain (white poly) travel
Side curtains
Dressing Rooms
2 rooms and hall below stage with bathroom facilities (2)
1 room behind stage with bathroom facilities (2)
Storage and Set Construction Annex (25 ft. by 49 ft.)
The Bailey Annex contains secure storage areas, loft, and large area for set construction with large utility sink downstairs.
Wardrobe and Rehearsal Loft (25 ft. by 35 ft.)
Contains additional dressing area.
Loading Dock
Loading door (5 ft. 9 in. by 7 ft. 10 in. )
Loading from street level with nearby parking
General stage washes
No spot or black lights
Extra fee for specific requests
Allen & Heath GL 2400 console
Mackie S-408 main speakers
Mackie S-410 sub woofer speaker
Mackie C-300 stage monitors
TC electronic SL effects processor
Crown XS-900 power amp main and subs
Crown XSL 602 power amp monitor
16-channel quick release microphone snake
8 channels of compression
The stage is wired for four separate monitor mixes with a 1/3 octave equalizer for each mix.
Baby grand piano is available for an additional fee.
Want to see your name in lights?
If you are interested in performing in the Lyric, please email us at
or call 870.391.3504.
Rent the Lyric
The Lyric Theater is sometimes available for weddings, parties, and business functions, at the discretion of the OAC Board and the director and production manager of any play in rehearsals. The minimum cost for a federally-recognized not-for-profit organization for an event for which no admission is charged is $250 plus cleaning deposit/fees; the minimum charge in other cases for events in which admission is not charged is $500 plus cleaning deposit/fees. If admission is charged, 40% of the gate is payable to the OAC, with the aforementioned rental fees as a guaranteed minimum, unless otherwise agreed upon. Sound or light engineers are an additional charge. Please email us at
or call 870.391.3504.
In keeping with our mission to enrich lives by promoting the arts in Harrison and North Arkansas through exhibitions, performances, and education, the OAC wants you to be able to find the Artists who are associated with us wherever they might be performing, producing, or having their works displayed!
One of our Member Organizations, the Harrison Art League, has led the way in this endeavor, establishing a tab on their site where you can find access to all of their artists, and we are going to use this page to do the same for various theaters and other Arts programs, as well as to musicians who support and enrich our endeavors.
Upcoming events at theaters where our Lyric actors and directors have been engaged
Musical Artists