Help the Ozark Arts Council restore the Lyric Theater with new seats and a new floor! Adopting a seat is a great way to show your support or honor a loved one. You may view a sample of the new seat in the lobby of the Lyric. Thank you to those who have already adopted a seat!
For a donation of only $100, an engraved plaque in honor of you or a loved one will be placed on a seat in the Lyric Theater. Download the Adopt-A-Seat form or adopt your seat online. For $50, you can take home one of our old seats.
Thank you to those individuals and businesses who have already Adopted A Seat
Twentieth Century Club
Don Alberson
Bill & Bonnie Baker
Joe Baldwin
Dennis Beal
Charles & Linda Beaver
Doug & Beverly Beckman
Mike & Mary Bishop
Char Black
Larry & Cathy Brandt
Jed Bullock
Al & Jackie Buxton
Gail Campbell
Josephine Cash
Bob Chadwick
Drs. Carl & Sue Chambers
Jeff & Jane Christenson
Helen Clavey
Dr. James Coats
Community First Bank
Reece & Christy Conrad
Ruth & Steve Davis
Bob & Eliza Dickson
Mark & Susan Duren
Brian & Betty Erwin
FedEx Freight
FedEx Freight Executive Office
FedEx Freight Legal Department
First Federal Bank
First National Bank of Berryville
Anne Connerley Fowler
Sarah Gheen
Holly Gillies
Joe & Cathy Golden
Ann Graffy
Greater Ozarks Republican Women
Jim & Gwen Gresham
John Paul Hammerschmidt
Harrison District Board of Realtors
Harrison Regional Chamber of Commerce
Richard & Cova Hart
Kim Hickson
Johny & Barbara Hinson
Ann Horn
Frieda Hudson
The Daughters of James Hudson
James F. Hudson
Jim & Lisa Johnson
Mike Johnson
Jim Keel
Alta King
Bill & Rita Kneip
Mildred Krisik
Don Kostelac
Billye Sue Lawrence
Jay & Marcille Lawrence
Pollyanna Leimberg
Richard & Ann Lemley
Joan Lipsmeyer
Carolyn Luallen
Martin Construction Company
Mary H. Martin
William & Ann May
Pat McBride
HK McCaleb
Gary & Brenda Melton
Patty Methvin
Clark & Madeleine Middleton
Pat & Sharon Murphy
Pat & Lou Ann Moles
Mike & Karin Nabors
Wanda Nelson
James & Fern Nicholson
Dana O’Quin
Rudy & Sue Parks
Glenna Ragan
Bob & Sandra Reynolds
Chris & Tammy Reynolds
Mike Reynolds
Diana Robb
Jim & Joey Roth
Patsy Sargent
Greg & Cheryl Satterfield
Vita Saville
Rock Seawel
Jock Seeyle
Curt & Reba Shaddox
Harland & Nancy Sharp
Greg & Roz Slavik
June Snow
Chuck & Mary Speice
Jim Sprott
Terry Staubaugh
Katie & Julianna Stefanski
Jamie Taylor
Pat Taylor
Rob Thomason
Edwin Clark Trantham
Dr. Charles Walker
Marilyn Williams
Mike & Linda Wood
Pat Wood
Angela Wright |
My Old Friend
by Mary Bishop, The Theatre Company
I spent a lot of time in the Lyric Theater while growing up. During my high school years, I spent many hours with this old friend at the Lyric, sometimes in the balcony and sometimes downstairs. I never told my Dad about the balcony. I don't think he would have approved. That was the place where you made out...not that I ever did, good preacher's daughter that I was.
But time marches on. In the 45 years that have passed since that time, I have aged and the more I age, the more refurbishing I need to have done...a little color to the hair...a little color to the cheeks...
My old friend needs a little refurbishing also.
In this picture, you can see me with my old friend, a seat from the Lyric Theater. As you can see, the stuffing is coming out, the colors have faded, and the material is becoming thin and tears easily. Not all of our old friends from the Lyric look this bad, but many look worse, and all need to be refurbished.
Plan A for refurbishing this old friend will mean the arms will be sanded and varnished, the metal painted, and the upholstery replaced. It might also mean the floor under the seats painted. Plan A depends partly on being awarded a grant that has been applied for, and partly on the success of our new Adopt-A-Seat program. Plan B, if we do not get the grant, may mean that we can only recover the seats.
For either Plan A or Plan B, the cost to adopt a seat is $100 a chair. On each chair you help refurbish, we will place a small plaque on the arm of the chair, with 2 lines of 20 spaces, along with the row letter and the seat number. You can put anything you want on those two lines......you can buy a seat in memory of parents, children, for yourself, for a neighbor, your cat, your dog, your pot bellied pig, we don't care.
Bear in mind, this is not a reserved seat...you will not be able to come to a performance at the Lyric and find this seat reserved for you. However, your name will always be on the seat, and it will show your interest in helping the Lyric become the best that it can.
I want to encourage you to Adopt-A-Seat. In fact, buy a whole row! Wouldn't that look great to see a whole row with all of your individual family members named on each seat!!! A very lasting contribution to the Lyric.
Download the Adopt-A-Seat form or adopt your seat online.