Saturday, August 29, 2009, 7pm | Download the Flyer

Each year, a committee of 7-13 members of the Harrison community actively attends O.A.C. productions put on by NorthArk Drama and the Theatre Company.  Their nominations for outstanding performances are submitted to a central person and the awards are presented during this event. 

Lisa Johnson, Ann Lemley, and Clark Middleton returned as the Master & Mistresses of Ceremonies. A portion of the evening was set aside for some special awards as well for recognition of the wonderful volunteers who devote time and energy to support of the Arts and the O.A.C. during the year.  

The Recipients of the 2009 Theatre Company Awards of Excellence

Theatre Legends 2009
Jackie Buxton
Bill Edwards


Outstanding Performance by a Leading Actress

Sarah Clark for Agnes of God

Outstanding Performance by a Leading Actor

Jake Fancher for Nuts

Outstanding Performance by Supporting Actor

Bill Edwards for Nuts

Outstanding Performance by Supporting Actress

Ann Lemley for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Outstanding Performance by Character Actress

Sara Cook for Crimes of the Heart

Outstanding Performance by Character Actor

Bill Edwards for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof


Outstanding Performance by a Leading Actress

Jackie Buxton for Christmas Belles

Outstanding Performance by a Leading Actor

Troy Walker for Christmas Belles

Outstanding Performance by Supporting Actress

Nancy Dees for Christmas Belles

Outstanding Performance by Supporting Actor

E. Michael Bishop for Christmas Belles

Outstanding Performance by Character Actress

Dana O’Quin for Christmas Belles

Outstanding Performance by Character Actor

Jamie Taylor for Christmas Belles


Outstanding Performance by an Leading Actress

Lisa Johnson for Mame

Outstanding Performance by a Leading Actor

James White for 1776

Outstanding Performance by Supporting Actress

Julianna Stefanski for 1776

Outstanding Performance by Supporting Actor

Jim Gresham for 1776

Outstanding Performance by Character Actress

Jaime Walden for Mame

Outstanding Performance by Character Actor

Ken Bailey for 1776


Outstanding Performance by Child Actress

MaCayla Hughes for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Outstanding Performance by Child Actor

Robert Lemley for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Outstanding Performance by Young Actress

Amanda Dees for Mame

Outstanding Performance by Young Actor

Mark Baker for Mame

Outstanding Performance by Newcomer Actress

Roz Slavick for Mame

Outstanding Performance by Newcomer Actor

Gregg Cupp for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Outstanding Vocal Performance by an Actress

Ann Lemley for Mame

Outstanding Vocal Performance by an Actor

Jamie Taylor for 1776

Outstanding Performance by Actress for versatility in character creation

Kim Trublood for Nuts

Outstanding Performance by Actor for versatility in Character Creation

Cameron Carlton for Mame

Special Categories

Outstanding Choreographer

Cameron Carlton

Accompanist Extraordinaire

Dicksie Milburn

Special Recognition

Outstanding Actress in Our Town

Gwen Gresham

Outstanding Actress in Our Town

Claudia Peters

Outstanding Actor in Godspell, Jr.

Drew McCormick

Appreciation awards to entire cast of Cinderella Kids (children’s workshop)